Can I Install Solar in the Fall, Winter or Summer

Many potential future users of solar energy ask the question about the best time to install the solar panel system for their homes, business, commercial use or agricultural use. The answer to this question is simple, Yes Solar can be installed in any season. You can install solar in the fall, winter or summer. But every season has its own merits and demerits for installment of solar panels. In this blog, we will discuss the merits and demerits of solar panels installation in every season.

Fall/ Autumn Solar Installation:


  • Moderate temperatures:

Fall typically offers moderate temperatures, making it comfortable for installation crews to work. They can easily work without sweating a lot.

The homeowners do not have to worry about electric outages and water shortages as the electrical circuits are cut off to install the solar panel system.

  • Fewer weather-related disruptions:

Fall tends to have fewer extreme weather events like rain or winds, reducing potential installation delays.

  • The ideal angle for winter:

Installing in the fall allows panels to be set at an optimal angle to capture winter sunlight efficiently. The sunlight in winter is less than in summer. So, the winter angles are more important than the summer angles.


  • Shorter days:

As fall progresses into winter, the days become shorter, resulting in less sunlight available for energy generation. The installation process also needs to be done in short daylight.

  • Leaves and debris:

Falling leaves can accumulate on panels, requiring occasional cleaning to maintain efficiency.

Winter Installation:


  • Potential for energy generation:

Despite the shorter days and lower sun angle, solar panels can still generate electricity during the winter months, especially on sunny days.

  • Availability and scheduling:

Winter might be an ideal time as you can schedule the installation easily due to the lower demand for solar services. As the demand is lower, the prices also are low. The users can get discounts in winter too.


  • Reduced sunlight:

Winter has the least amount of sunlight in most regions, leading to lower energy production.

  • Weather challenges:

Winter weather can be harsh, with the potential for snow, fog, and lower temperatures, which can complicate installation and increase safety concerns.

Summer Installation:


  • Abundant sunlight:

Summer offers long daylight hours and higher sun angles, resulting in maximum energy production potential. The sunlight is available for 18-19 hours as per location.

  • Fast installation:

Good weather conditions can lead to faster installation times.


  • High demand:

Summer is a popular season for solar installations, so you may face longer wait times for installation crews and potentially higher installation costs due to increased demand.

  • Hot temperatures:

Extremely high temperatures can make working on roofs or outdoors very uncomfortable and even dangerous for installers. The high heat can lead to health problems for the workers.


The solar experts are inclined towards installation of solar panels in fall or winter. As in Pakistan, sunlight is still available in access, solar panels can be installed and used just like in summer.  Ultimately, the choice of when to install solar panels depends on your specific circumstances and priorities. Many homeowners and businesses choose to install solar panels in the spring or fall to take advantage of moderate temperatures and optimal sun angles. However, with technology advancements and the potential for energy generation year-round, installation during other seasons is also feasible.

Before installing solar panels, it’s essential to conduct a site assessment and consult with Bright Energy. They can evaluate your location, energy needs, and budget to recommend the best time for installation and design a system that maximizes your solar potential. Additionally, they can guide maintenance and snow removal if you live in an area with heavy winter precipitation.

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